RAMDOSII (c) 1996 by wilf rigter
Adapted for use with
XTender (c)
The easy way
for Sinclair ZX81 (and XTender) users to
storage of data and speed up program development.
The Tiny RAMDisk Operating System (RAMDOSII) is a simple file management
program to name, save, load, merge or erase BASIC programs and variables,
MC programs, and data files in a 32K RAMDISK. It has 15 build-in single key
functions and can be expanded with new "transient" commands.
Using RAMDOSII, the user can create a LIBRARY of programs, variables and
data files in the on-board nonvolatile RAMDISK. The RAMDISK is organized
as a directory of 32 files complete with file names, file type and file length.
Simple cursor control selects the desired file, and with a single keystroke,
the file is transferred between the RAMDISK memory and the system memory.
Amazingly compact, RAMDOSII assembles to 512 bytes of relocatable object
code and comes complete with a fully annotated source listing. RD2 Source Code
RAMDOS is normally used with a large Non-Volatile Memory pack or the ZX97.
Here RAMDOS2 has been adapted for the XTender1 program for
For a detailed description of each command read the section
for a short exploration of the RAMDOSII system continue with this section.
Here is a zip file with the RAMDOS2 program and banks: RAMDOS2.ZIP
XTender users should start XTenders and LOAD "RAMDOS2" and enter 00-03 for
the bank number. The loading screen reminds users of the
simple command set.
Press any key and voila the RAMDISK directory. The >
cursor points to the
first file in the RAMDISK.
Note that RAMDOSII commands only require the first
letter of each command to be entered except
"E"rase which must be shifted for
security and the "N"ame command must be followed
with 7 characters of text
which includes numbers, letters, punctuation, and leading or
trailing spaces.
First practice returning to the BASIC operating system by
pressing Q and then
press "T" (RAND) followed by " enter"
(N/L) to return to the directory. While
in the BASIC edit mode, the keyword RAND is used as a hot
key to access
practice loading and running programs. The first program that
we will load from the RAMDISK is the DELPHIC program in
directory 00. To
select the DELPHIC file use the 5,6,7,8 keys. Once the
cursor is positioned in
front of the desired file just press "L" and
"R" to load and run the program.
All BASIC programs can be interrupted by pressing the "space"
key to cause a
break. Next practice saving a BASIC program. Select a
position in the
directory to save the program with keys 5 to 8. Notice how
the cursor moves
left, right, up and down and wraps around the ends of the
Saving a BASIC program is as simple as pressing
"B" and when saved, the file
type and file length pops up in the directory and the file
is now in the
RAMDISK ready to be loaded back into SYSTEM RAM when it is
required. Note that
the save operation nondestructively copies a file from
RAMDISK. To name this new file press "N" and then
type "DEMOTWO" or any other
7 characters. The current letter to be typed is shown in
reverse and after the
7th character, the screen flashes to indicate the name
command is complete.
Line edit functions or back space is not available for this
procedure. If you
make a mistake while entering the name, just continue to the
7th character and
then you can RENAME by repeating the same procedure typing
over an old name to
change it.
We have already learned to save, name and load an existing
BASIC program (B
file). Let's continue and experience writing and saving your
program. First break the current BASIC program by pressing
space bar on the
keyboard. Then press NEW to erase the System Memory and
"Q"uit the directory.
Next enter a few lines of BASIC code such as :
10 PRINT "
N/L 20 GOTO 10 N/L
This is just a short BASIC program to show that you can save
your own
programs. Then press
RAND and select directory 4. Move the cursor to the
position in the directory where you wish to save it. Next
press the "B" key to
save this BASIC program and notice the file type and length
change. Also
notice that all other files are moved over to make room for
the new file. Now
press the "N" key and type in WELCOME. You have
just saved and named your own
BASIC program in RAMDISK. Now press Q to quit and go back to
Next we try out the B file LOAD command. Press NEW to clear
return to the directory. Now position the cursor, using
cursor keys (5,6,7,8),
to point to the WELCOME file. Press L once to load WELCOME
into the SYSTEM
RAM. Then press "R" to demonstrate the autorunning
quit command.
Next we can demonstrate the possibility to MERGE multiple B
files by pressing
Space, then RAND to
return to the directory. Again position the cursor using
cursor keys (5,6,7,8) to point to the WELCOME file. Press L
once more to load
a second copy of the WELCOME B file. Then use "Q"
to quit and LIST to see 2
identical copies of the short BASIC program in the SYSTEM
RAM. The clone was
generated by MERGING the original with the copy loaded from
Simple LOADING occurs if the SYSTEM RAM had no previous
BASIC program in it
when LOADING a B file from RAMDISK. MERGE occurs, as we just
when there is an existing BASIC program in the SYSTEM RAM,
when loading any
other B file from RAMDISK .
The procedure for saving and loading BASIC VARIABLES is
identical to B file
operations except that the letter "V" is used to
save the VARIABLES to a V
file. Experiment with DIM A$(1000) and then save this array
to the RAMDISK
with "V". Note the file size includes the variable
name length etc. To do a
simple V file LOAD, use the BASIC command CLEAR to erase the
loading a V file. To MERGE, simply DO NOT CLEAR existing
loading the V file.
The procedure for saving and loading MC programs to M files
is identical to B
file operations BUT MC PROGRAMS MUST BE FORMATTED before
saving and loading.
M files before
attempting any M file operations.
Continue as you like with this exercise by loading some of
your favorite
programs from EPROMDISK and saving them to RAMDISK until you
feel familiar
with the procedure for loading and saving, erasing and
naming files in the
RAMDISK. Then, for more information and program examples
read the RAMDOSII
The RAMDOSII software is designed to be compact,
relocatable, and easy to use.
It speeds up the process of saving and loading programs to
"instantaneous". It
is a tool for merging programs, subroutines and variables to
aid program
RAMDOSII contains the following one key commands:
1.(B)asic Program Save to RAMDISK.
2.(V)ariable Area Save to RAMDISK.
3.(M)achine Code Save to
4.(N)ame or rename file in Directory.
5.(E)rase (shift E) file from RAMDISK.
6.(L)oad file from RAMDISK.
7.(Q)uit RAMDOSII and return to calling program.
8.(R)un - quit RAMDOSII and GOTO 1 of BASIC program.
9.SPACE BAR - quit and break to BASIC edit mode.
10.Left, right, up, down arrows move the cursor.
11.Keys "0" and "1" select directories.
The letter in brackets is the single key used to execute the
command , (N)ame
must be followed by seven characters of text. The screen
flashes as it is
updated after each command is executed. For security (E)rase
must be used
together with the shift key.
Additional commands are provided as transient utility
routines as described
Although there is no explicit Write Protect disable command
before SAVING,
NAMING and ERASING, the control register WRITE bit is set
just before these
commands modify RAMDISK memory and is immediately reset
afterwards. Attempting
to POKE a byte in the RAMDISK (32K-64K) from BASIC, will not
work unless you
first set the WRITE bit in the control register with POKE
5E3,128. However if
DIP switch S1 is on then the RAMDISK memory is
unconditionally write
The RAMDISK directories of 32K each are loaded into an area
of the memory map
normally not used by BASIC or ML programs.
The RAMDISK is used in the same way as a floppy or hard
drive, but is much
faster. The current directory is located between 32K and 64K
as shown in FIG
1. The directories are organized as shown in FIG 2. Note the
way that files
are packed together with no waste of storage space. There
are no minimum size
sectors or fragmented memory to worry about. The actual
location within the
current directory is usually of no interest since the files
are loaded into
system memory before they are actually used. If required the
memory address of
the file to which the cursor is pointing, is passed back to
BASIC in system
variables 16507 (LSB) and 16508 (MSB) after quitting
RAMDOSII and returning to
When RAMDOSII prints the current directory to the screen, it
reads the control
register and prints the directory number to the top left
hand corner of the
screen. It reads and prints the first file name and type
from start of 32K
directory and masks bytes to make sure that the name and
type are printable
characters .(<CHR$64)
Next it reads and prints the file length and calculates the
location of the
next file header. It
continues to print out all the file names it can read
until it reaches the 32nd file. The order of the file names on the screen is
left to right, top to bottom corresponding to the first to
last position in
memory. Depending on
the contents of the directory, there may be some blank
files names showing in the directory before or after any
files which have
actually been saved.
For example, a empty directory generates a screen full
of "
; 0" files indicating
that the current directory memory is all
zeroes. (ie spaces).
The RAMDISK memory can be initialized with NULL bytes
using the CLRDISK utility. (see TRANSIENT COMMANDS)
The unshifted 5,6,7,8 keys are repeat action cursor keys.
They move the
inverted > cursor around the directory to select files by
name. The unshifted
1 and 2 keys select 1 of 8 directories scanning forwards or
backwards. Note
that the cursor and directory keys roll over after reaching
the first and last
file or directory. The location in the current directory of
the file pointed
to by the cursor is stored in System Variables 16507/8 and
this may be used as
a parameter by other programs.
When saving files either the write enable push button must
be held down or the
write protect switch must be in the closed position. The
memory map shown in
FIG 1 indicates the portions of memory which are saved to
RAMDISK using the B,
M, and V commands. The structure of the file types is shown
in FIG 3-5 . The
header for each file
is 10 bytes : 7 bytes for name, 1 byte for type, and 2
bytes for length.
Saving files is a simple procedure of entering the file
name followed by the letter B, V, or M representing file
type to be save.
First the cursor is positioned in the desired location in
the directory. After
pressing B, V, or M, the files after the cursor will be
moved over one
position by the new file, thereby overwriting the 32nd file
if it contained
valid data. Only after a file has been saved can the file
can be named.
We save a BASIC file by simply pressing "B" and
the directory will now show
the "B" for BASIC type and the length of the file.
The B file (BASIC file) is
compact because it only includes BASIC lines but not the display or
Saving BASIC VARIABLES separately provides a powerful means
of transferring
data files from one program to another, and allows a program
to periodically
backup it's BASIC VARIABLES without the need to save the
program itself. Some
BASIC programs don't initialize their BASIC VARIABLES and
therefore won't
operate if the VARIABLES are not retained. In that case both a B file and a V
file must be saved, generally using the same NAME, and these
must also be
loaded together in order to properly execute the program.
Remember NOT to use
the RUN command since this will clear the BASIC
VARIABLES. V files are saved
by pressing "V" after which the "V" type
and length are displayed in the
directory. The VARIABLES in the SYSTEM RAM are only copied
into the RAMDISK
and are not cleared.
Saving and loading Machine Code programs presents some
problems primarily
because of the lack of standards for the structure and
location of MC
programs. MC programs reside and run anywhere below 32K ,
some above RAMTOP,
some as part of a BASIC program in the first line of BASIC,
some in the last
line of BASIC. In addition many programs are written to run
between 8K-16K. In
order to reduce the complexity of dealing with MC program it
is convenient to
standardize three run locations.
1. The MC programs developed with the
bundled Z80 assembler can be run
from the BASIC area as part of a BASIC program. These M/C
programs are stored
in a 1 REM line and the transient commands and control
demonstration programs
are good examples. This type of MC program is very easy to
deal with since it
is by definition a B file and should be saved and loaded as
such. This type
of MC program is conceptually the simplest.
2. MC programs
generated by the Z80 assembler which run from the 8K-16K
area must be formatted as 1 REM lines, organized as shown in
FIG 4. Note that
the actual code is preceded with a 2 byte address which is
the location of the
first byte of code when loaded into it's RUN LOCATION. After
formatting this
program is saved as an M file. Note that the address used
when calling the
program (RAND USR NN) is not necessarily the same as it's
address. A good example of this type of MC program is the
Z80 disassembler
which is transferred to RUN LOCATION 8192 when loaded. The
Z80 disassembler is
started with RAND USR 1E4.
3. Some M/C
programs run above RAMTOP, the highest memory address used
by the BASIC program, which means that RAMTOP must be
lowered prior to loading
the M file above RAMTOP. The Z80 assembler can generate such
program by
preceding the code with the RUN LOCATION address as shown in
FIG 4. The
program is saved as an M file. The Transient command RTPLOAD
can be used to
lower RAMTOP.(see TRANSIENT COMMANDS) If already present
above RAMTOP this of
type MC program can copied from above RAMTOP into a
formatted 1 REM line by
using the REMSAVE transient command and can then be saved as
an M file. The
Z80 assembler is an example of this type of MC program. When
saving an M file
the MC program must be in the following format: The Machine
Code must be
located in the FIRST BASIC LINE as shown in FIG 4. This is
the location of the
Machine Code product of some ASSEMBLER programs and the
location for many MC
programs after they are loaded from tape. In addition the first 2 bytes of
the MC program right after REM, 118, 118 must be the RUN
LOCATION address for
that MC program.
This is no problem if you are the MC programmer and you can
simply precede the SOURCE CODE with the RUN LOCATION bytes
before assembling
the OBJECT CODE. It is also possible to convert existing MC
programs to M
files, by stripping off the relocating utility and adding
the necessary RUN
(Also see WRX16 HIRES, and Transient commands REMSAVE,
When naming files either the write enable push button must
be held down or the
write protect switch must be in the closed position. After
saving a new file,
the file length and file type appear in the directory but
the name field is
still blank. In order to name a file the user simply presses
(N)ame and enters
the 7 character name including any leading or trailing
spaces. The current
letter to be typed is an black square. All printable non-inverted
may be used. After entering the 7th character the screen
flashes to indicate
the name command is finished. If you make a mistake while
entering the name
continue to the last character and then repeat the procedure
to rename the
file.(Backspace is not provided) To RENAME an old file,
point cursor to the
old file name and then use the same procedure as for a new
file name. If NVM
write protection DIP switch (S1) was OPEN or the write enable
button not held
down while entering the name, then the name will disappear
after entering the
7th character.
The type of each file may be changed with the
"T"ype command which highlights
the file type and changes it to the next character entered
with the keyboard.
This is primarily useful to change M files to B files so
they can be merged
with existing BASIC programs. Another use is to lock files by changing the
file type to a character other than B, V, or M. Such files
can not be loaded
or erased and are therefore considered locked. The last
letter of the file
name should be changed to the original type in order to
remind the user when
unlocking the file by returning the file to the original
file type. The "T"ype
command must be used with great caution aside from the two
mentioned to avoid a system crash when attempting to load
converted files.
The single "L" (LOAD) command transfers all types
of files from the RAMDISK to
various locations in the System Memory. Just move the cursor
to point to the
desired file name and then press L. Like SAVING there are 3 types files that
can be LOADED as follows:
BASIC files are loaded into the System Memory area between
the System
Variables and the Display. (FIG 1) The BASIC Variables are not affected by a
Bfile Load which allows the user to combine existing BASIC
Variables with new
programs. There are
two cases of loading a B file, namely LOADING and
MERGING, which occur as a result of the initial conditions
of the B file LOAD.
If there is NO BASIC program in the BASIC area prior to Load
( as would be the
case if the user had deleted all lines or executed a NEW)
then once Loaded.
the B file will be the only BASIC program and it will
Autorun from line 1 on
exit from RAMDOSII. (Like GOTO 1)
Remember that some
BASIC programs may not execute properly if started at
Line 1. If necessary
add a line of BASIC such as 1 GOTO NN to the program
where NN is the start of that BASIC program, before to Saving
If there is already a BASIC program in the BASIC area before
Loading a B file,
then after Loading there will be two (or more) merged
programs in the BASIC
area with the latest B file MERGED ahead of the other
programs. This is called
BASIC MERGING and the combined program will NOT Autorun. B
files are merged
AHEAD of existing BASIC program lines rather than
behind for several reasons:
1. Transient MC programs
in 1 REM, which are used as commands, may be LOADED
(merged), run with RAND USR 16523, and deleted with
"1" without disturbing the
existing basic program. Transient Commands usually are MC
programs that were
saved as B files and when loaded can run from the BASIC
area. 2. When writing
a BASIC program,
universal subroutines stored in the RAMDISK can be loaded as
required during the program development keeping in mind that
subroutines run
faster if located at the beginning of the basic program. 3.
A merged program,
before renumbering, can be easily Listed and Run if it is
located at the start
of the BASIC program area.
A transient Command RENUMBR is required to
give merged program lines unique line numbers. It is
included in RAMDOSII
BASIC and must be extracted and saved to an M file before it
can be used as
a transient command (see TRANSIENT COMMANDS).
Select the V file to be transferred from the RAMDISK to the System Memory
using the cursor keys. The selected V file is transferred to
variable area between the end of the Display area (VARS) and
the Work space
(E-LINE) when pressing L.
Variables are loaded or merged depending on initial
Only one set of variables will exist after a V file LOAD if
there were no
previous variables in the variable area. This is true right after power-up ,or
if no variables have been defined , or after CLEAR, RUN and
programs are not affected by V file LOAD except for the
impact that the new
variables values may have on the program. Some BASIC programs were saved
together with BASIC variables, in order to execute properly.
Such programs
must be loaded together with their variables. The order of loading is not
If a set of BASIC variables existed prior to LOADING then
the V file will be
merged AHEAD of the existing BASIC variables. This means if two or more
variables have the same name then only the latest variable
can be accessed.
There is no utility such as RENUMBER available for merged
variables and the
merged variables should therefore have unique names prior to
saving. It is
possible to separately delete array variables using DIM XX
(0) while leaving
the other BASIC variables intact. This may prove useful in
some applications.
When loading a M file, two things are assumed :
1. That the M file
was prepared in accordance with the M file SAVE
2. The area pointed
to by the RUN LOCATION bytes is free.
Since any first BASIC line can be saved as a M file it is
possible to generate
a M file which has a random run-location, which if loaded
may cause a system
crash. M files which have a RUNLOCATION above RAMTOP may be
loaded only after
RAMTOP is lowered. A transient command, RTPLOAD, lowers
RAMTOP to the value of
the RUNLOCATION. M files do not necessarily contain MC
programs but may also
contain HIRES files, or 2040 printer pattern tables or any
other data. Great
care must be taken to avoid a system crash due to the
inherent unconstrained
addressing of the RUN LOCATION of MC programs and the way MC
programs can
alter critical unprotected areas of the system .
When erasing files either the write enable push button must
be held down or
the write protect switch must be in the closed position. In
order to conserve
space or to update files it is sometimes necessary to erase
the old files.
This is done by pointing the cursor at the file to be erased
and pressing
(E)rase while pushing the write protect button. The files
located after the
erased file are moved up to fill the gap and an equivalent
new space is
created at the end of the RAMDISK. If a file cannot be
erased is possible
that random data in the length field makes the file appear
to be too long so
that erase would cross the END of the RAMDISK. In that case
push the file off
the end of the directory by inserting small files in front
of the long file or
clear to END using the transient command CLRDISK.
When the user wants to exit RAMDOSII simply press Q. The position
of the
cursor can be peeked at 16507/8 and used to determine free
RAMDISK or as a
parameter for the transient programs. Newly loaded B files
may autorun after
Q, as described in BASIC LOAD. If RAMDOSII was called from
within a BASIC
program using for example
100 RAND USR 7685 then if a V file or M file was
loaded it continues to run after Q or if a B file was loaded
an error break
will occur.
You can use RAMDOSII and transfer files from within a BASIC
or MC program.
It is simple to add a program line to any BASIC program and
call RAMDOS by
entering, for example, 100 RAND USR 32691. That address, as
you can see, is
5 bytes more than 32K. This skips a test which RAMDOSII uses
to filter the
keyword RAND in BASIC programs while that program is in the
RUN mode. On
execution the Directory will appear and M files and V files
can be loaded as
required. Quit will return to the next BASIC program line
which continues
uninterrupted. If RAMDOSII is called from within a BASIC
program and a B file
is loaded, then this will result in a merge of the calling
program and the B
file which will
result in an error break after you quit RAMDOSII. To return
to the calling Basic program always use "Q"uit. If
the call was a function
like LET A=USR 7685 then the value which is returned is the
address of the
first byte of the current file name to which the cursor was
pointed before
quitting. MC PROGRAMS
MC programs can JUMP or CALL the RAMDOSII program at address
1E07 (7687d).
Once in the DIRECTORY you can transfer files etc. B files
can be LOADED but
only if the calling MC program is not located in the BASIC
area . Because
RAMDOSII was written in relocatable Machine Code it can be
merged with any
other MC program and run from any location in memory. The various places for
locating MC programs are:
in the Enhanced ROM, 8K-16K,
above RAMTOP or in
any BASIC program line. To return to the calling program
always use "Q"uit or
"Space" since "R"un will force a restart
from the first basic line. On return,
the BC register pair holds the address of the first byte of
the file header to
which the cursor was pointed when quitting.
Transient commands for RAMDOSII, which are commands or
functions that
are SAVED as B files and are LOADED or MERGED when needed to
the required commands. The RENUMBR, UNMERGE, CLRDISK and
programs are examples of these transient command programs
and are included
with the development software. Any other utilities such as
HEX/DEC conversion
can be easily added by the user to suit his own particular
In general these transient commands are MC programs that are
used infrequently,
for a short time and are deleted after use. They may be
MERGED with, but do not
interfere with, existing programs in the SYSTEM RAM. If a
transient command
consists of a single 1 REM line with a MC program then it is
deleted after use with
1, N/L. If the
command is written in multiple BASIC lines then the UNMERGE
command is used to reduce these multiple lines to a single 1 REM line which
can be deleted with 2 keystrokes.
The UNMERGE routine is for use with multiple line BASIC transient programs to
allow such multiple line BASIC programs to be deleted with
only a few
keystrokes while leaving the original BASIC program intact.
with the transient
command program which must end with
9998 RAND USR 16523
and 9999 STOP When used the Transient command is executed
with GOTO 1 and when
finished, the UNMERGE command will take all lines between 1
and 9999 and
include them in a
single 1 REM line which can then be deleted with 1, N/L.
The RENUMBR command will renumber merged BASIC program lines
in increments of
10 but will not change GOTO's or GOSUB's. Just LOAD RENUMBR
and RAND USR 16523
After that press 10 and N/L to delete the RENUMBR utility
and remember to
change all those GOTO's and
The FREERAM command returns the space remaining in the
RAMDISK from the cursor
to the end of the RAMDISK. After Loading FREERAM from the
directory, position
the cursor after the last file of interest, Quit and then use PRINT USR 16523
to print the number of bytes remaining from the end of the
last file to the
end of the RAMDISK.
The CLRDISK command is used to clear all or part of the
RAMDISK to 00. There
is no way to recover the data after it has been cleared and
therefore CLRDISK
must be used with care and attention. After Loading CLRDISK,
position the
cursor to point to the location in the directory
after the last file of
interest and Quit.
Use RAND USR 16523 to run the CLRDISK command. Remove the 1 REM line
which contains CLRDISK with 1 and N/L. Go to the directory to reset the write bit.
The REMSAVE command is used to transfer an MC program from above RAMTOP
to a 10 REM line, automatically formatted with the appropriate RUNLOCATION
bytes and ready to be saved as a M file. Use RAND USR 16523
to run.
The RTPLOAD command is a companion to REMSAVE when loading M
files above
RAMTOP. In that case load RTPLOAD and leave the cursor
pointing to the M file
to be transferred to
above RAMTOP. This M file must have a VALID RUNLOCATION
ie somewhere
between RAMTOP and 32K and must have
been saved using the
REMSAVE command .
Next Quit and RAND USR 16523 will lower RAMTOP to the
required value followed by an automatic NEW. Then LOAD the M
file in the usual
The Z80 Assembler program is "L"oaded into 8k-16K
memory as a Mfile.
Thereafter it can be executed with RAND USR 8192.
The generated source code in 2 REM can be saved to a Bfile
before assembly.
The executable code in 1 REM can be saved as a Mfile or as a
Bfile. Appendix A
provides the full instructions.
The disasssembler is installed with a simple load to the
area between 8192 and
xxx. The program is executed with RAND USR 1E4. The
following functions are
1. "D"isassemble.
2. "L"ist data in HEX and Sinclair format.
3. "S"earch for a two byte string.
4. "C"ontinue listing or disassembling.
5. "Z"=copy disassembled code to a 2 REM file.
The disassembler was written by Harvey Taylor and slightly
modified by me to
dump the output to an assembler source code file. Before
using the "Z"
function, the user must first load a Assembler compatible 2 REM
line. If
necesary, install and run the Assembler program to create a
2 REM line. The
disassembled code which appears on the screen is transferred
when pressing "Z"
and is appended to any existing source code in the 2 REM
line. Multiple
screens can be transferred this way. The only changes the
user must make
before assembling this disassembled source code is to
translate the hex offset
that accompanies the IX and IY instructions to decimal code.
code. This minor
shortcoming stems from the peculiar requirement of the assembler for decimal
offsets. The 2REM2REM utility can be loaded and run with
RAND USR 8192 to
merge two 2 REM lines into one 2 REM line. This is a great
way to create
macros or a library of subroutines which can be merged into
a single source
file before editing with the assembler.
The ZXTERM80 terminal program was written by Fred Nachbaur
and includes
ZMODEM upload and download capability . It is a HIRES
program which displays
up to 80 columns of ASCII or Sinclair Code. The instructions
are in appendix B.
The program NOVA 1000 is included which provides a BASIC
line trace utility and a real time clock which run
concurrently with any other
application program. This makes it easy to write time or
clock oriented
control programs. The details to NOVA are provided in the NOVA article .